• 1800-309-3337
  • 9930-559-889
  • help@mtdngo.org

We are working for the poor and marginalized people living in the slums and disaster affected area.

We frequently run campaign on our website for any planned cause. Apart from this we also run campaign on crowd-funding sites to raise money for the event. Finally, we always welcome donation through our website which could be utilised towards the upcoming events.
The realization of a group of young corporate professionals, that it was their Social Responsibility to give back to the society, laid the inception stone of MTD. MTD is managed by a Core group which is elected from the volunteers by a mode of election during AGM every 3 Years. Also we have Board of Advisors, comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise, followed by an Executive Committee and an enthusiastic volunteer workforce.
The primary focus of MTD is to reduce poverty. We do this through well planned comprehensive projects in fields of health, education, livelihood and disaster preparedness and response.
Making the difference was formed in 2014 by Mr Deepak Vishwakarma in association with young corporate professionals.

We welcome volunteers, you can fill the form in the volunteer ship page in the website.

You can donate through a secure online payment gateway (Razor Pay) through our website. Alternatively, you can also contact us if you wish to donate through other medium.

Yes, we do, you can browse through our website www.mtdmerch.com. All the proceeds are utilized towards running the NGO.

It is safe to make online donations on our website. A secure platform for online transactions has been provided to ensure data security and privacy.

Usually, in-kind donation is accepted only when there is a need in any of the projects at a given point of time.

No. All members are volunteers. Despite our heavy academic and professional commitments, we donate our time and energy because we strongly believe that together we can make a real difference to improve the life of children and women.

Your donation is our fuel for good! When you donate to our NGO, we put your money to work right away. It helps us run important programs like providing education, healthcare, and support to those in need. Some of it covers our everyday expenses like staff salaries and keeping the lights on, so we can keep Making a Difference. We also use your donation to measure how well our projects are doing and make them even better. Plus, we use funds to spread the word and push for changes that can help the people we serve. Your donation is a superpower that fuels positive change in the world! Thank you for being a part of it.

Yes! We're proud to say that Making the Difference is present in states like: Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Gujarat.

Making the Difference strives its best to work in fields of education, menstruation awareness, donation, hunger issues, environment and creating a better livelihood for women.

Absolutely not! Anybody can join us in this journey of helping those in need with Making the Difference.

Of course. Making the Difference provides all its volunteers with certificates for their contribution.